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The golden hour of planting for Pannar’s water table project

The essence of late afternoon planting is captured in these beautiful shots of Pannar’s “West Water Table Trial” project shared by our representative, Hannelie Tait

In the North West Province and North Western Free State, there is a high potential “maize quadrangle” where soils have an impervious layer that limits the fast drainage of soil water. Pannar has partnered with Omnia Nutriology, and together, we are conducting a Panagri™ trial at strategic locations to evaluate cultivar performance at varying plant populations and variable fertiliser application rates. The trial plots are large enough to replicate farmer production conditions and management practices. 

At Pannar, the journey between us and our farmers does not end at planting. To see you achieve our products' full profitability and performance potential benefits, we need to provide accurate placement recommendations and farm management guidelines based on long-term, multi-regional agronomic trials. These images are just one example of our commitment to the success of our farmers. 


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