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Pannar maize hybrids flourish in Fouriesburg/Clarens area

As we kick off a new year, Pannar representative Francis Grimbreek shares a fresh glimpse of these impressive yellow maize plants. Planted in the Fouriesburg/Clarens area at a stand of 32,000 plants per hectare, these Pannar hybrids are already showing great promise. 

This dynamic mix of PowerCore™ hybrids includes PAN 3P-912PW, PAN 4P-928PW, PAN 4P-938PW, PAN 4P-932PW, and PAN 4P-952PW. The PowerCore™ technology provides broad-spectrum protection against above-ground lepidopteran pests, stacked with glyphosate herbicide-tolerant technology for premium insect and weed control.

Learn more about our yellow maize package, which comprises various growth classes and includes conventional, stalk borer insect-resistant, glyphosate herbicide-tolerant and stacked trait hybrids here.


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