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New Pannar white maize hybrid, PAN 5R-539R, produces a very good yield

New, medium early white maize hybrid, PAN 5R-539R, produced a very good yield at Grootpan in North West under irrigation, reports Phillip Nel, the area representative. It was planted at 32,000 plants per hectare in tramlines with 0.91 m rows.

The platform

PAN 5R-539R is an entirely new platform and is considered the harbinger of the next frontier of genetic gain in maize production. This hybrid is double-cobbing with a semi-flex-ear that can compensate for optimal production conditions. PAN 5R-539R has excellent standability and performs very well on the sandy soils of the western production areas.

Get advice for your farm

Feel free to contact Phillip Nel, Pannar's sales representative in Koster, on 060 995 7288 or call your nearest Pannar representative for a white maize product recommendation for your farm.


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